Josh Sutphin

Starting Sabbatical

My wife and I recently left our positions at Bungie. We’re taking a break through July, then I’m doing a working sabbatical for 6-12 months, depending on how things go. The sabbatical is largely about exploring potential career pivots away from traditional game development — which I’ve been doing for the last 20 years — and into a storytelling focus, likely in linear media.

Of course, everyone we know thinks we’re insane for doing this, and their well-meaning questions echo many of our own anxieties, which we’ve been planning against for the better part of a year.

Let’s talk through them.

Why leave Bungie? Isn't that a dream job for so many folks?

Why leave games? Doesn't that waste 20 years of invested time and effort?

What about going indie? Couldn't you just make the next Undertale or something?

Aren't you going to have to start again from the bottom, wherever you go next?

Isn't it a huge risk to give up a job in the current job market, with all the layoffs and studio closures going on, not to mention the existential threat of generative AI?

Isn't it irresponsible to give up your income when you've got a baby at home and two special needs kids to take care of, plus a mortgage to pay in a high cost of living area?

What about health insurance? What about sustainability?

Isn't art a poor man’s game? Aren't you setting yourself up for long-term failure?

What would it take to go back to games? What's the backup plan if storytelling doesn't work out?

What does success look like? Why do you think there's a path to it? Why do you think you can walk that path?

Why aren't more people doing this? Is this anti-capitalist praxis?

If you’re interested in a career pivot of your own, here’s some recommended reading that helped me organize my priorities and plan an intentional approach to this process:

Created 7/2/2024 • Updated 7/2/2024